5 Reasons for Traveling to Armenia

Are you planning a trip to Armenia and want to know more about this country? After you learn about this country’s advantages you will start packing your bags!

1. Nature

First of all Armenia is a country known for its marvelous landscapes, mountains and forests which are the best for you if you are fond of hiking. They are perfect for a family picnic with Khorovats (barbeque in Armenian), outing with your friends.

Sitting on a river bank will relax you and make you feel calm and in harmony with nature and yourself. The country is the perfect introduction to one of the most interesting corners of the world, standing at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.


2. Cuisine

Armenia is a country of delicious food and people who appreciate a tasty meal. All you need to do is attend restaurants or cafes that offer traditional Armenian cuisine. Have you ever heard of Dolma? It is the first thing they will suggest you to try.

This kitchen masterpiece is made with cabbage leaves filled with minced meat and seasoning. Another thing you would melt to try is Khorovats (Barbeque) prepared with seasoning and fresh onions, served along with potatoes, grilled eggplants, pepper and tomatoes. Armenian food and cuisine is full of contrast, it contains many different tastes, shapes and colors! And it is definitely one of the biggest reasons to travel to Armenia.

3. Hospitality

Armenian Hospitality is a worldwide famous “brand”! Because everywhere you go in this country you will be welcomed with cheers and willingness to help you, feed you and take care of you. You can feel completely safe to ask to show you the right way anybody in the streets if you’re lost or ask for a favor anybody in your neighborhood.

Even if they can’t help you, they will call their friends or relatives to find the one who is able to help you. If you are fortunate enough to stay at an Armenian family’s home, then you’ll probably have the advantage to taste so many traditional meals and desserts like dolma, khorovats, gata, bakhlava and other yummies. Armenian grannies will take care of you as you were their kid.

4. Adventure

Armenia is the most convenient place to have an adventurous trip in the forests, climbing these marvelous mountains, walking down the deep gorges and coming up to fields, taking you to unknown villages where you can get acquainted with rural life of locals.

In an Armenian village people will treat you as their guest in every house especially if you need to fill your bottle with water or some other little favor. Village kids will run after you all along the road and surround you with cheerful laugh and try to ask you some questions in your language, as much as they know!


5. Ancient history

Armenia’s history dates back to ancient times. During those times Armenian nation was attacked many times and there were a lot of attempts to obey, but as the nation was strong, it overcame all the hardships and fought against all the enemies to save the land for coming generations. Armenia was the first country to accept Christianity as a state religion and is still a country where 95 percent of the population is Christian.

Need a proof that Armenia is a country of rich history and culture? Then you should definitely take yourself on a long but fascinating trip to Tatev monastery. This is one of the must see places in Armenia. Enjoy the world’s longest cable car ride through the fascinating landscapes of Vorotan canyon and admire some of the oldest monasteries on record.
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